Since Erdogan decided not to do
what The West want him to do, The Western Media has started attacks writting
againist President Erdogan. Erdogan is always a bad topic on Media of The West. The First serious attact of The
West was Gezi Riot in Istanbul. The West wanted Erdogan not to build 3rd
Airport, YSS Bridge over The Bosphorus and Canal Istanbul. Erdogan knew the
game and refused all the demands. They(West) kept on attacking on Erdogan using their
puppet FETO Terror organisation on 17th of December 2013. There were many other
attacts that Turks did not know.
Lastly, on 15th of July 2016 The
West did its big shot by Feto once again. However People in Turkey were
againist to The Coup supported by The West. Turks laid the blame on USA, they
were right because The USA have not given Gulen back to Turkey yet. Moreover, Feto had good relations with Hillary Clinton and The Democratic Party
in US. Gulen donated a lot of Money for the election campaigns of Clinton. When
Trump won the elections Gulen was very disappointed. There are many questions over
Trump’s governence. Will Trump return Gulen? Will New Government give up Middle East policies of UK? How will the relations with Turkey be?
I myself am hopeless about Trump’s
possible policies. He wil not able to realize his promisses because The US were
goeverned by The Rich such as Rotchild and Rockefeller. These two men and some allience like them ruled the
USA all the time. They will try to do this again by their men in brocracy.
How about Putin? Can he stand
tall? Erdogan’s support has been fresh air for him since the warcraft crisis.
Russian Federation understood that the aircraft was hit by Feto/Nato allience
just to break the relations of Turkey with Russia. That way both leaders would
be alone and The West would eat two big fish easily. However Erdogan’s Apology
was on time just before the Coup Attempt.
Erdogan feels himself very
powerful after increasing good relations with Russia. Nevertheless, his biggest
power comes from Islamic World, he is an inofficial Caliph of Islam. He is
loved from Morocco till Indonesia, from Tartarstan till Tansania in Africa. A
somalian poor child and his mother are praying for Erdogan while they are
drinking clean water of the well that has been built by TIKA a Turkish Relief
In New York’s UN Meeting, there
were two men at the dinner table of Erdogan, one was Rotchild and the otherone
was Kissenger. They told Erdogan not to resist the power of The West and treathened
him to damage the Turkish Economy. Erdogan was very angry and refused their
demands once again. A friend of mine near that table was the ear witness about
the conversation. I cannot reveal his name of course. When Erdogan came back to
Turkey, Credit Degree organisations reduced Turkey’s Degree. Erdogan knew who
did this and said “Turkey’s economy is not going to be pulled down by the ordered
Degree of the Evil”.
Erdogan has been the strongest
and the most independent President of Turkey since Ataturk’s Time. Even more
stronger than Ataturk. Because Erdogan got the power of not only Turkish Nation
but also most Muslims in the World. So, whan can Erdogan do to be more powerful
and pull down the West?
1- The Central Bank of Islamic World in
Istanbul: Long time ago, Erdogan took the Central Bank of Turkey from
Ankara to Istanbul. Istanbul is not only a finance centre of Turkey but also
the World’s. Now, there is a big chance of Turkey to make Istanbul the Finance
Centre of Muslims in The World by establising the Islamic Central Bank. Erdogan’s
Finance Plan will be supported by Katar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan etc many other
Muslim countries.
2- The International Islamic University of
Istanbul: This university is a must, a lot od scholars from the
different part of the World can give lectures. This University should be not
only the Islamic religious sciences such as Tafsir, Siyer-i Nabi but also engineering, Art, Music etc. This
will keep Islamic Community focused on education. This sort of University will
break UK’s ISIS plan. They will never ever create a terror machines just to
keep control of Middle East.
3- International War School of Turkey in
Ankara: The Third step, right after Money and education, is sopposed to
be defence of Muslim countries. New war tecniques and using Turkish weapons
will help Turkey’s War Industries’ Export and allience with Muslim countries.
Politically this will be a wonderful chance Turkey’s influence over the West.
This will create a great opportunity for Muslim countries to build its own
common projects.
4- Muslims Common Air and Navy Bases oversea
countries: Turkey can lead muslim countries for common Air and Navy bases
in (such as) Indonesia, Malasia, Morocco, Moritania, Tanzania, Pakistan,
Afghanstan etc. Nato is destroying Afghanstan and doing nothing in there. The
Problems in Afghanstan can be solved with common Islamic Army. “Muslims solve
their problems with Muslims”.
5- Common Fund Of Islamic Countries: This
fund can help fort he reserves and relief fort he Poor Muslim countries
specially after consumed oil sources, global warming’s results, natural disasters,
earthquakes. Turkey can coordinate all the Money for making more and spending on
the right place.
Please let us
imagine, what happens if Erdogan does this organisations as inofficial Caliph
of Islam? Just let us think a little while…
We are NOT
kneel in front of The West. We are inshallah going to win this war…